Cannabis Sativa

Cannabis Sativa, named by Carl Linnaeus in 1753, is relatively tall with narrow light green leaflets. This species of plant originated in Asia but is now cultivated all over the world.

Flower to Bud

Sativa plants can grow as tall as 20 feet, tend to grow outdoors, take longer to mature than Indica plants (10-16 weeks) and produce longer buds. Sativa buds have more of a red/orange color tone and offer a sweeter smell.

Heady High

Sativa offers an uplifting creative buzz. It is described as being euphoric, mood lifting, cerebral and energetic. It is used for depression, fatigue or as an aid for creativity.

Strain Names

Strain names may be the silliest and most fun part of the cannabis buying experience. With monikers like Sour Diesel, Green Crack, Silver Haze and Maui Wowie, they just sound like they'll be fun.

Purebreds, or landraces, developed naturally in their environment, not crossing with other strains, simply inbreeding over many generations. These pure strains often include their place of origin in their name (Acapulco Gold), offer strong original flavors and effects, and may remind long-time tokers of the 60s and 70s since these strains were mainly available then.

But as the cannabis industry grows, and people calibrate their strain for a particular use, we're finding we can't completely rely on strain names or lineage to predict effects. With legalization and regulation comes the benefit of lab testing offering more information that we can use. Not only cannabinoids but terpenes and other chemical variations. The industry is evolving, and with more detailed data we may not be losing the wacky strain names any time soon but we may have the chemovars to prove a strain is what it claims to be.